За насAbout usЗа компанијата

KST Building

Нашето обещание

Ние от КСТ Ви предлагаме новаторско мислене, широка гама от продукти за доставка на Телевизия, Глас и Данни и много добро обслужване. Ние Ви даваме информацията, идеите и предложенията, които Вие може да направите свои добри решения.

Ние от КСТ твърдо вярваме, че е време да се инвестира разумно в новите технологии и възнамеряваме да Ви помогнем да постигнете Вашата цел.


КСТ ООД е водеща международна компания в областта на всички видове комуникации, която разполага с много богат избор от оптични, коаксиални и мрежови кабели, материали, консумативи, активно и пасивно оборудване, необходимо за перфектната работа на Вашата цялостна система.

Техническите решения, предложени от нас намират реализация във градове и села, както на България, така и на ред други страни. Горди сме с факта, че изградените от нас оптични комуникационни системи функционират безотказно, а добрите думи казани за нас от конкурентни фирми не може да не ни правят щастливи.

Съчетанието между ефективност и професионализъм, самоотверженост и енергичност са наши съществени предимства, които ни помагат да Ви предложим печелившото решение за Вашата оптична комуникационна система.

KST Building


Our Promise

At KST, our promise to you is clear: We provide innovative thinking, a broad selection of telecommuniation products, and outstanding service. We give you the information, insight and technological choices so you can make your own best decisions.

At KST, we firmly believe that now is always the best time to invest wisely in new technologies, and we intend to help you achieving your goals.

Our Profile

KST Ltd. is a leading international telecommunication technology company. More and more ISP, Mobile and CATV companies rely on us to help reach their business goals.

What makes KST distinct? Our insight, our products, and our performance. We are known for our ability to respond quickly to meet your changing business needs. Our philosophy is based on choice – giving you the power to choose fiber optic products that meet your individual needs.

We combine the efficiencies and professionalism of a large corporation, with the dedication and energy of entrepreneurs, and that is what separates us from the rest. We have an unique ability to deliver winning fiber optic solutions.

Our Promise

At KST, our promise to you is clear: We provide innovative thinking, a broad selection of telecommuniation products, and outstanding service. We give you the information, insight and technological choices so you can make your own best decisions.

At KST, we firmly believe that now is always the best time to invest wisely in new technologies, and we intend to help you achieving your goals.

Our Profile

KST Ltd. is a leading international telecommunication technology company. More and more ISP, Mobile and CATV companies rely on us to help reach their business goals.

What makes KST distinct? Our insight, our products, and our performance. We are known for our ability to respond quickly to meet your changing business needs. Our philosophy is based on choice – giving you the power to choose fiber optic products that meet your individual needs.

We combine the efficiencies and professionalism of a large corporation, with the dedication and energy of entrepreneurs, and that is what separates us from the rest. We have an unique ability to deliver winning fiber optic solutions.